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[ Player Guide ] Refine Feature (Numbers, Suggestion)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-27 23:13:13Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!

Let's talk a bit about "Refine" power feature today.


So this feature alone doesn't give you huge boost in power/stats but since it goes together with purify it does provide quite a nice boost.

It's purely substats so that's initiative / critical / injury / combo / control, purify amplifies the % of refine stats (for example: level 10 refine gives 665 by itself + 90% purifies (598) = you gain 1263 of each stats from that combo)

It c*so be amplified up to additional 20% on each equipment by using 20 breakthrough pills.


Let's see the stats of each refine level first:

Level 1 = 0

Level 2 = 40

Level 3 = 85

Level 4 = 125

Level 5 = 165

Level 6 = 210

Level 7 = 250

Level 8 = 315

Level 9 = 435

Level 10 = 665

You can see level 1>8 going steady with stats increase pretty much at same rate and then suddenly level 9 and 10 giving much higher stat jumps (obviously level 9 and 10 are most expensive ones and hardest to reach).

Let's see the amount of wishing credits needed

(of course this is max value, you could always get lucky and get the level up before)

1>2 = 10 low refines

2>3 = 20 low

3>4 = 30 low

4>5 = 40 medium refines

5>6 = 70 medium

6>7 = 100 medium

7>8 = 200 advanced refines

8>9 = 500 advanced

9>10 = 1000 advanced

Some suggestions:

Now of course this is an important function to focus on, but there are others so you can't solely focus on it.

It all depends on your resource/how many of refines you can buy, it's nice to win constantly in SWB event the level 9-10 refines will be much cheaper due to it.

I don't recommend ever using refines unless there is wishing credit limited refine event. (It will be much cheaper, especially for 7>10 or 8>10)

My recommendation for your pos1 ninja is to get his refines to level 8 (or 7 if you think you can handle your pos1 being a bit weaker for that period of time) and then stack up 1100-1200 advanced refines for a rebate always and do 8>10 upgrades (1200-1300 if 7>10)

Some fun math:

1x level 10 refines with 100% purifies+20% pill = 1463 initiative/ critical / injury / combo / control

5x (ninja with full lvl 10 refines) = 7315 (so this is how much it's possible in theory to get on 1 ninja purely from refine+purify+pill, although it will be almost impossible but something like 7000 is do-able thru 90% purifies)

20x (all ninjas full) = 36575

As always feel free to comment, especially if you have any questions or feel that I forgot something in this thread (or a suggestion about something that you would like me to write about)

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-03-27 23:13:13.
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On 2018-03-28 19:55:22Show this Author Only
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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-28 21:39:02Show this Author Only
Note: This post has been filtered by Jori. (Administrator)

This isn't charity. Everybody plays for themselves, and just because someone thought this through and made a strategic choice (alongside with some sacrifices on other daily activities) he shouldn't be punished for this. On the contrary, he's being rewarded.

ICE never said to focus on piece of gear, so your argument is invalid. It's actually the best choice considering long term game, since with saving over those 1200 refines you get a lot of wish credit when upgrading at once. That wish credit you get when upgrading 6-max is worth like 500refines? If you failed to upgrade and make use of it- you can only blame yourself. As much as the system can * at some cases, its rules (however unfair they may seem to you) are plain and simple. And they apply to every player.

Nice guide ICE :-)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-29 01:04:28Show this Author Only

little correction the max purify you can get is 99% not 100%

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On 2018-03-29 02:12:35Show this Author Only

I don't promote level freezing or anything, it's a players choice, of course I know it's not easy to gather up on advanced refines

I simply gave the most cost-efficent advice for improving the refines, as you say it's mostly "whale" territory to gather up on level 10 refines, will take a lot of time for free players.

Also 1100 is like a perfect number for just a bit luck when doing 8>10 , I did it myself 3 times and worked out nicely I even had some leftover. If you want to be 99% safe then 1200.

And thank you Zahroth

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On 2018-03-29 02:13:59Show this Author Only
  • MuroiMaNin On 2018-03-29 01:04:28
  • little correction the max purify you can get is 99% not 100%

Actually 100% is max, just VERY RARE


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On 2018-03-29 05:47:19Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-03-29 02:13:59
  • Actually 100% is max, just VERY RARE


didnt know that i never saw a 100% not even on 500k chinese players

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On 2018-03-29 17:36:33Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2018-03-28 21:39:02
  • This isn't charity. Everybody plays for themselves, and just because someone thought this through and made a strategic choice (alongside with some sacrifices on other daily activities) he shouldn't be punished for this. On the contrary, he's being rewarded.

    ICE never said to focus on piece of gear, so your argument is invalid. It's actually the best choice considering long term game, since with saving over those 1200 refines you get a lot of wish credit when upgrading at once. That wish credit you get when upgrading 6-max is worth like 500refines? If you failed to upgrade and make use of it- you can only blame yourself. As much as the system can * at some cases, its rules (however unfair they may seem to you) are plain and simple. And they apply to every player.

    Nice guide ICE :-)

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On 2019-09-19 18:52:35Show this Author Only

Needs to be updated for the new refinement levels

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