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[ Events ] Events - 22nd February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 21
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On 2018-02-22 02:46:55Show All Posts

Enough of the people with false gaming mentality. We got Ay 3rd treasure 3 months earlier as planned . GNW treasuse 5 months earlier as planned . Shishui 7 (7!!!) months earlier as planned . As oasis releases things too fast , let's say there are 4 types of players (f2p, low spenders , mid spenders and p2w) the gap between them grows each day . There are 2 ways this is gonna go ,1) continue like this and the future of the game is 1 remaining server with only p2w and eventually the game dying , or 2) stall...stall...STALL for a year (with these "copy-paste" events that will help EVERYONE piece together some meta ninjas and close the power gap) and call it a golden age of gaming

This post was last edited by ForTheShinobiAl on 2018-02-22 02:47:39.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 21
  • Posts: 136
On 2018-02-22 21:46:41Show All Posts

Congrats event feedback kids you made it . We know that old ninjas like Sailor Sakura or Hidan dpb appear in less and in less events now . That lucky * Edo Deidara can only mean one thing , he will appear in events once every 3 months now maybe less . Deidara should be in Board and Shishui should be in * cause Shishui is still a new ninja. I have 36/80 Deidara frags but no i had to be clickbaited . 2 lesser kids got him for 500cp and i spend 5k and nothing . I know that the fault is on me for spending these cp but i am also a victim of your false and biased gaming mentality . Now i won't be able to recruit him before July if my calculations are correct and that is just * sad

This post was last edited by ForTheShinobiAl on 2018-02-22 21:47:22.
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