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[ Events ] Refine rebate


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-04 08:59:06Show All Posts
  • Allyrianne On 2018-01-04 08:44:14
  • They had a refine rebate last christmas event. They know people did that event, so, why would they add another refine event knowing a lot of complaints would arise?
    Just save your refine runes, that would be better for all than to ask for an event that many would complain about.
    You can say it's not your fault that the people did the welfare refine event, but that's not how being "considerate" works.
    In the end, Oasis must do something for the benefit of many, that's why they try to avoid consecutive events of the same mechanics.

I highly doubt people would complain about getting the typical refine rebate that gives out wishing credits that we normally see vs. the Christmas refine rebate that gave out items that has nothing to do with refining. Wishing credits is worth more than a weeks worth of myboku gifts to the majority of people.

To OP, because of that Christmas events, the typical event order we normally see is messed up. Same thing happened during the anniversary events back in July. It seems like the we have to wait until near the end of January/start of February to see if Oasis is putting the order back to normal since the upcoming week has one event (cave key rebate) is typically one week ahead and one event (recruitment feedback) missing due to having a seal scroll rebate this week.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-04 10:00:45Show All Posts
  • Allyrianne On 2018-01-04 09:24:01
  • The point is, we had a refine rebate event in the form of 7 Days of Welfare event. People who did that event would probably complain why another refine rebate would come soon. If you have seen Daisuke's response to another thread, he very well stated why we won't have another refine rebate anytime soon. It's too late to say anything about 7 days of welfare since it's done, people did it, and Oasis tries not to add another refine rebate knowing many of their players used their refine runes.

    Event order isn't messed up. Try to read Daisuke's response to another "refine rebate" thread and they intended not to bring the typical rebate event as we had 7 days of welfare the other week.

When I mean "messed up", what I meant to say that the typical events we normally see in the event cycle is not 100%, with this week not have the limited refinement + refinement rebate and the upcoming week not having recruitment feedback and having the cave key rebate pushed up. For those who played for quite sometime, most likely, they figured out the pattern in when events are released and are able to predict when the events are coming and save and plan according. Not only do these holiday events mess up the sequence of the events but what is typically in the events. It usually takes a full month to be able to predictable track the events again.

Yes I read Daisuke's response and would suspect that the would happen since it happened in the past. Back in April or May, they introduced the refinement rebate without limited refinement. This meant players had to wait an extra month before those two were released together.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-01-04 10:01:08.
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