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[ Events ] Refine rebate


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  • Registered: 2017-09-10
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On 2018-01-04 17:30:26Show All Posts
  • Allyrianne On 2018-01-04 09:24:01
  • The point is, we had a refine rebate event in the form of 7 Days of Welfare event. People who did that event would probably complain why another refine rebate would come soon. If you have seen Daisuke's response to another thread, he very well stated why we won't have another refine rebate anytime soon. It's too late to say anything about 7 days of welfare since it's done, people did it, and Oasis tries not to add another refine rebate knowing many of their players used their refine runes.

    Event order isn't messed up. Try to read Daisuke's response to another "refine rebate" thread and they intended not to bring the typical rebate event as we had 7 days of welfare the other week.

People complain anyway didnt they? And it was christmas. People would expect it to be extra events, not cancel each other out. Many people who didnt do the christmas, they were waiting for normal rebate cus of wish credits. Many people have enough to do both. Its more reasonable to have both for more choices. The expectation would be the event cycle continues as normal and we would have a rebate after christmas.

  • Registered: 2017-09-10
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On 2018-01-04 22:46:20Show All Posts
  • Allyrianne On 2018-01-04 17:39:53
  • Assumptions don't necessarily make logical conclusions. The past responses have more sensible arguments than your what-ifs.
    We refuse to acknowledge your opinion. However, you're entitled to it.

Who’s we? Assumptions are based on logic. It was a christmas event. It would be more reasonable to make an extra event than an event to replace the monthly rebate.

Who’s we? Assumptions are based on logic. It was a christmas event. You want to talk about the past? In the past, we get refine rebate everything, is that not a sensible plAce to make assumptions? What are u basing your “we already have this new one so no old rebate” on?

This post was last edited by UchihaItachy on 2018-01-04 23:42:37.
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