FAQ for Cross-Server Great Ninja War
Due to overwhelming questions about Cross-Server GNW, I have posted some information regarding GNW. Some information is courtesy of the team, forums, and also announcements in Discord. I will update this when I can, terribly sorry for the delay!
Q : Do I have to register my group for XServer GNW ?
No, if your group participated last week in normal GNW, you will be placed in ranking according to how your group did.
Q : How do I know my group qualified for XServer GNW ?
You can check the ranking in your Group ba
Q : What will happen if my group did not qualify for XServer GNW ?
Your group will participate in normal version of GNW with rest of the groups that did not qualify for XServer.
Q : How often is XServer GNW ?
Every two weeks. After current round of XServer GNW ends, groups will have to qualify again.
Addition Notes:
The placement of the rankings for Cross Server is ba
This means that even though you are first in Normal GNW, it does not guarantee you a spot in Cross-server, as there are two factors that determines your placement and only top 8 groups continue to Cross Server GNW.
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