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[ Lineup ] Mifune lineups (mostly Lightning Main)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-20 22:11:30Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey everyone!

So first of all let me say that Mifune is an outdated ninja in the current meta with older servers, this thread is meant more for the new players who have pulled only 2-3 rare ninjas in Kage treasure. Mifune can be quite viable in early game, sadly mostly in Lightning Main teams and he has options with Earth main, also a lot of Mifune teams that I will show you use a passive barrier so having a higher total initiative than your enemy would be in your favor.

Some obvious counters/teams you will have a problem vs are teams that include Han and Masked man due to Mifune mostly relying on Root of warrior buff.
Overall he has a great mystery that will remove buffs from an enemy, 2x standard attack passive and a great buff for 9 swordsmen making him even better in GNW, bond arena.

Let me show you some teams where you c*e him.

1. Danzo root team



This team was one of my favorite ones when I just started pulling kage treasure as I got both Mifune and Danzo in my first 3 rares.

It has a solid interruption/accu on round 1 with LM mystery (although can be changed to Lightning Armor if you prefer it for more round 1 damage). Danzo is there for the chaos and immobile chase, if fighting vs clones Warrior Killing Intent buff from main will make your Mifune be able to do his mystery for 2-3 rounds in a row (in some cases it's better to use Anbu Tactics for the leech although). The downside of the team is that your Danzo is vulnerable, but it won't matter much if you have a position1 ninja faster.

2. Gaara root team



This team is essentially the same, only difference being Kazekage Gaara, same as the previous team per preference you c*e Lightning Armor and Anbu tactics as talents.

The difference in this team being that you lose the % damage barrier buff on LM and kimimaro but you gain the bonus on Mifune (which in my opinion is more important as he is the position 1 ninja), and this team might confuse your enemies due to 3 ninjas being immune and 4th being super armor. Still beware of fighting Han and Masked man.

3. Hidan team



Strong round 1 with Hidan tags and standard attacks, immobile tag paralyze chases, it is preferred to use the Anbu Tactics leech in this team mostly due to Hidan.

A bit expensive team although as Hidan isn't so cheap, but for those who have Hidan they can try to play around with this team :)

4. Earth Main



Personally I think this is the best Mifune team, it is very versatile having ignites,immobile,shields,debuff clearing and great buffs for Mifune damage in round 2.

Also giving great mystery choices for every single round, of course it would be great if you have the barrier/intiative advantage over your enemy.

Overall a good team in both defense and offense.

5. Mifune blitz



Same as a normal blitz team just instead of using a barrier ninja you will use Mifune, this team is mostly viable in if you don't have a barrier advantage vs your enemy OR it can be quite useful in GNW-bond arena due to Mifune buffing 9 people (you might also want to use Anbu Tactics in that scenario to give all your teammates the leech bonus).

Also useful for players who don't own barrier ninjas (wb asuma/iruka can be replaced by Guy also)

6. Ningendo root



This is a small bonus team for those players who don't own Danzo/gaara but do have Darui, the team has 3 immune ninjas with 1 ninja who reflects a debuff, great chases with paralyze and immobile and a big chance for a round 1 blitzy kills due to 8x standard attacks in total. Great mysteries for round 1-2-3, a lot versatility.

Hope you like it guys :)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-20 23:07:19Show this Author Only

Mifune will become good again with hidden mist treasure, so, people that got him don't despair!!! :-)

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On 2017-11-21 05:13:46Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-11-20 23:07:19
  • Mifune will become good again with hidden mist treasure, so, people that got him don't despair!!! :-)

What treasure would that be ? :)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-21 23:05:00Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-11-20 23:07:19
  • Mifune will become good again with hidden mist treasure, so, people that got him don't despair!!! :-)

Hello, The treasure its Called Great Ninja War Treasure and contains inside the Swordsmen plus Zetsu and Edo Sasori.. As Super Rares inside they are Kurama link Naruto and Madara.. thnx ..

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On 2017-11-22 21:21:38Show this Author Only

I think he meant the treasure after gnw, the one with ninjas that owns skill points.

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On 2017-11-22 22:31:50Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-11-22 21:21:38
  • I think he meant the treasure after gnw, the one with ninjas that owns skill points.

that would be gnw treasure , the swordsmen have skill points
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On 2017-11-22 22:38:47Show this Author Only




summon: gold shark

talents: 1,2,2,1,3

My old signature team, its really good.

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On 2017-11-23 11:20:02Show this Author Only

my current team





flood dragon

its not all that great but can someone suggest some improvements i can make?

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On 2017-11-23 22:47:23Show this Author Only
  • EclipseItachi On 2017-11-23 11:20:02
  • my current team





    flood dragon

    its not all that great but can someone suggest some improvements i can make?

I would switch out guy for Darui, or you c*e the same team in blitz style (making LM position 1 with lightning armor and bloodthirsty)

  • Registered: 2018-06-20
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On 2018-08-18 08:54:39Show this Author Only

Why dont we use Warrior's killing intent passive instead of Lightning style enhancement passive at the number 5 (Mifune blitz)?

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On 2018-08-18 19:11:56Show this Author Only
  • Abr. Onish On 2018-08-18 08:54:39
  • Why dont we use Warrior's killing intent passive instead of Lightning style enhancement passive at the number 5 (Mifune blitz)?

Because Lightning style enhacement gives 40% more ninjutsu to Lightning Main , and his damage is most important in there

And also there is no need to refresh the cooldowns on mysteries (and not really possible anyway) in that team

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On 2018-08-19 10:29:54Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-08-18 19:11:56
  • Because Lightning style enhacement gives 40% more ninjutsu to Lightning Main , and his damage is most important in there

    And also there is no need to refresh the cooldowns on mysteries (and not really possible anyway) in that team

I see, thank you!

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