Views: 18669 | Replies: 14
Possible to get any of the Susanoo's for free???


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-28 16:14:16Show All Posts

it is possible to have both of them for free but you need a lot of time, possibly 2-3 years for Itachi Susano depending on how much seal scrolls you get weekly.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-28 20:08:51Show All Posts
  • SoichiroOni On 2017-08-28 18:46:50
  • If you want to calculate it, every 2 days you get 1 free pull

    Every 20 days you get 1 ninja (since 10 pull you most likely get a ninja)

    let's say every 120 pull you get 3 susano'o fragment (quoting form veelocity)

    so every 240 days you get 3 susano'o

    round it to 360 days for 4 susano

    80 susano fragment mean... well 20 years of free pulling will net you one, without using any seal scroll of course

You did not take into consideration that he drops from 4 different treasures , so make that 20 years divided by 4 = 5 years purely of free draws

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