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[ Player Guide ] Konoha's Great Tree


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-22 03:02:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Konoha Great Trees Event


The object of this event is to water you Great Tree & grow it from Level 1 to Level 7.

You can water you tree in the following methods:

Once per day, you can water do it for free. You c*so water the tree by collecting Dew Drops from completing stages of

Survival Trial (2),

Arena (2),

Team Instance (2)

in addition for P2P players, buy purchasing the Daily Packs (3).

In addition, you c*so water your Great Tree by using coupons & ingots. Watering once costs 20, where as watering 10 times discount costs 190.


The event is broken down into 4 different interfaces.

Lucky Tree

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This is the main interface of the Event where you water your Great Tree to level it up & earn rewards.

As your Great Tree progresses in level, the rewards for watering increase.

Level 1 Requires 20pts to level up

Rewards you can obtain are Small Stamina Potions, Dangos, Cave Keys & Fortune Coins.

Level 2, Requires 50pts to level up

Rewards you can obtain are Magatama, Mood Scroll, Charm Material Fragments & Fortune Coins.

Level 3 Requires 100pts to level up

Rewards you can obtain are Medium Refines, Magatama, Cave Keys & Fortune Coins.

Level 4 Requires 300pts to level up

Rewards you can obtain are Small Stamina Potions, Magatama, Seal Fragments, Cave Keys & Fortune Coins.

Level 5 Requires 500pts to level up

Rewards you can obtain are Small Stamina Potions, Magatama, Tendo Pain Fragments, Cave Keys & Fortune Coins.

Level 6 Requires pts to level up

Rewards you can obtain are Magatama, Tendo Pain Fragments, Naruto Kyubi Fragments, Charm Material Fragments & Fortune Coins.

Level 7 Requires pts to level up

Rewards you can obtain are Rainbow Magatama, Tendo Pain Fragments, Naruto Kyuubi Fragments, Charm Material Fragments & Fortune Coins.

The Higher Tree level, the more Fortune Coins can be obtained with the same price (20 coupons or Ingots; 190 Coupons or Ingots ) , for example, rewards of Lv.1 Great Tree: There is only 2 Fortune Conis can be obtained.

Fortune Coins will add after level up Tree to Lv.4, watering 10 times, the more Fortune Coins can be obtained compare with Lv.1.

It means in Fortune Store, items cost will decrease, since you have more Fortune Coins per 20 or 190 Coupons/Ingots

World Tree

Thispart combines all the Great Trees in your village & offers additional rewards when the target levels are achieved.

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This part combines all the Great Trees in your village & offers additional rewards when the target levels are achieved.

Fortune Store

Here you can redeem items using the Fortune Coins that you’ve received for watering your Great Tree.

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Points Rewards

Here you obtain rewards for hitting the target point values on your Great Tree.

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This depends heavily on how far along you’ve progressed into Naruto Online, so I’ll break this down into 3 sections

Early Game:

This is a solid event to pick up Medium Refines, presenting you with the chance to pick up 140 of them throughout the course of the event.

Mid Game:

For those players who are still in the mid game, again, Medium Refines are always a solid choice, alternatively, picking up fragments towards Hanzo will certainly be of benefit to you as you progress further into the game.

Late Game:

Here is becomes a bit trickier, Clothing, Hashirama & Hanzo are all solid choices to aim for.

From a personal stand point, I opted to go for the new clothing, now, I c*ready hear you all decry me for *ity, but hang on there. In getting the clothing, I picked up approximately 40 Mood Scrolls, 28 Seal Scrolls, 400 Cave Keys & more Magatamas than I know what to do with.

This post was last edited by Kaislee on 2017-08-22 03:02:47.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-19 22:52:59Show this Author Only

Hello, first and foremost really nice and clear guide, good job! Good to finally know the point requirements for leveling up.

I've got a suggestion about recommendations (in case you dont consider getting any ninja frags) - even though refines (when you use them, they are always a good option), it may be better in a long run to invest in clothing in terms of power. When you look at the current other clothing prices (eg. kimono, 50/frag) and compare that to refines (less than 25cp - shop price) and notice, that summer clothing costs only 25% more than refine, that puts refines in this event in a really bad light (this applies to free point spending).

Let's say you ac*ulate 100 free coins during that event, neither 5 refines, nor 4 cloth frags won't give you immediate noticeable power HOWEVER in terms of item value, getting refines gives you 5*25=125cp and getting summer clothing gives you 4*50=200cp. That being said, if you want to know what might be better in a long term, I'd personally go for cloth. I assumed 50cp/frag, because sooner or later price will drop and will be equal to other clothing.

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On 2017-08-20 07:34:12Show this Author Only

If you wanna spend your coupons on this event its not worth it. It will cost more than 6k coupons for the cloth.

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On 2017-08-20 10:00:55Show this Author Only
  • andrew21314 On 2017-08-20 07:34:12
  • If you wanna spend your coupons on this event its not worth it. It will cost more than 6k coupons for the cloth.

Its foolish to say it costs 'x' amount for the Clothing, since you're not just getting that particular item.

50 Frags of the Summer Break Clothing requires an investment of approximately 12,000 coupons/ingots. Now, we'll put a price of it of 5,000 C/I, going by Cowboy outfit's original pricing of 100 C/I per frag.

In addition to going for this, you also get the rewards from Blessing your Tree. I'll break it down based on what I got from investing in the event.

40 Mood Scrolls = 600

28 Seal Scrolls = 3500

400 Cave Key = 4480

200± lvl 2 Magatamas = 3000

Dangos as well, but we wont factor those in.

So all that comes to a total of 11,580 C/I, add in the estimated cost of the Costume at 5000 C/I & you're looking at 16,580 C/I worth of items. So your investment gives you a potential saving of 4,580 C/I.

Now, on top of this, the Clothing itself give you a 450bp increase via 300 Life & 100 Initiative.

So this event isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, due to the scaling rewards of the Tree, it requires you to invest beyond a handful of Blessings.


You can't look at each event separately, you need to take into account this weeks cycle of events as a whole.
This event works well with Cave Exploration Rebate, Daily Spending Rebate, Time Limited Ninja Recruitment & the upcoming Crazy Slot Machine.

Cave Exploration Rebate

You get approximately 400± Cave Keys that will enable you to do take part in this event, in addition to the Keys that players have been stacking over the course of the past weeks. So you'll get a significant BP boost from this.

Daily Spending Rebate

To maximise one this event, you need to stagger your investment over at 4 days to get the most possible.

4 Summon Scrolls: 252

80 Coupons : 80

40 Cave Keys: 460

32 Medium Refines: 800

4 Level 5 Ninjutsu Magatama: 1620 (pricing based on 12 lvl4 Ninjutsu Magatama)

40 Advanced Refines: 1520

4 level 5 Rainbow Magatama: 2000 (conservative guess at pricing)

Total Value: 5732

Time Limited Ninja Recruitment

As we all know, for each 10 ingots spent, you get 1 Limited Point. Which will allow you to invest towards whatever redeemable items you prefer. Personally, as someone who missed Jonin Minato during his introductory event, I took the chance to finish off collecting his fragments.

Now, when you compare getting Jonin Minato via this event, you need to cast your mind back to Fateful Encounter, where his cost ranged from 8,000 to 12,000 for 80 fragments & you got no additional items in return for that investment.

Getting 80 Jonin Minato fragments costs an investment of 16,000 ingots in other events/features.

Crazy Slot Machine

So you've recharged towards getting the Summer Break outfit from Konoha's Great Tree, lets say 12,000 C/I as a conservative estimate, this will give you 120 spins & you'll get various rewards

Potential Value of Overall Items

So you've invested 12,000 C/I into the event.

In Great Tree, you've gotten approximately 16,580 C/I worth of items. See above for the break down. 5732

Taking the Events this cycle as a whole, you've gotten potentially 34,312 worth of items for a 12,000 Ingot investment. (Using Jonin Minato's top cost from Fateful Encounter)

Please note, that these are approximations & obviously doesn't include rewards gained from Crazy Slot Machine. Your mileage may vary.

This post was last edited by Kaislee on 2017-08-20 17:44:53.
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On 2017-08-20 15:29:55Show this Author Only

Very nice guide

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On 2017-08-20 16:46:21Show this Author Only

@Kaislee you forgot, that if you use ingots, you also get the benefit of daily spend, at least 4 times so thats another +- 6k value of items

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On 2017-08-20 17:44:13Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2017-08-20 16:46:21
  • @Kaislee you forgot, that if you use ingots, you also get the benefit of daily spend, at least 4 times so thats another +- 6k value of items

Sorry about that, amended the post to reflect Daily Spending Rebate

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On 2017-08-22 10:52:56Show this Author Only

Nice to see the point breakdown per level hehe.

Just one comment on the value of the items, everyone should input their own values to this. Typically taking from the basic shop is not the best benchmark, because pretty much no one buys from there.

Good benchmarks for coupon value of items would be the konoha gift shop or sage (particularly if you are a semi/low spender) - at these places, items are already generally already ~20% off (eg charms at 100 per). Evaluate your spending power and determine whether or not to go for it. This event values *l-or-nothing strat, due to the increased value of rewards as your tree levels up, you get increasing * per buck/RoI the more you spend, so unlike other events, it is inefficient to semi spend for this. Identify if there is something you want, and go all out for it, or just * with the free dailies for decent value redeems.

edit: seems like a couple of benign words got auto censored haha, but should be guessable what words they are or the context of my sentence :P

This post was last edited by Slacker. on 2017-08-22 10:57:21.
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