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[ Player Guide ] Minato Flak Jacket Lineups


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On 2017-11-02 17:03:38Show this Author Only

wind main,minato and masked... best line up is with iruka ? or there is more for wind??? any suggestions

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On 2017-11-10 17:13:02Show this Author Only
  • 19meatballs On 2017-11-02 14:59:52
  • any f2p ninjas here who got masked man? suggestions on how to get him would be highly appreciated >w< TIA

i got him for 200 coupongs on lucky star wheel!

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On 2017-11-14 01:43:23Show this Author Only
  • PaulineYoona On 2017-07-29 16:41:10
  • Very nice, but i don't have some of those ninjas. Can i make something form the ninjas that i have? ABCDE


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On 2017-12-10 07:12:44Show this Author Only

my name is glad and I will need help for havi pain taton

This post was last edited by glad ngoy on 2017-12-10 07:31:21.
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On 2017-12-10 17:44:39Show this Author Only

I use the top 1 a lot. I c*ually put a good fight if not win against people with much higher bp than me.

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On 2018-01-04 16:52:04Show this Author Only

Im a f2p ninja with a bit more luck and dedication to grinding than your average player.

This is my lineup:


Konan-Hokage Minato-X

Wind Main-Gaara -X

My talents are:

3-2-4-3-1, using serpent as summon (knockdown to high float x2)

Essencially konan is a miniature minato. Last night in GNW I showed up with this particular lineup and managed to help beat up people to whom our group strategist said, and I quote, "we are dead". Gaara, in the mean time, is super tanky and in case minato gets nuked too early, he happens to be my Plan B guy and causes hell of a lot of damage. Also good for nullifying enemy barriers. Yes, water teams are still a problem but I am working on increasing my ini, which has always been a bit on the low side. Occasionally i switch gaara either for Iruka or Kushina, who works surprisingly well with this lineup, since her clones give extra tankiness and she also has a decent (and super hilarious to boot) ult.

As for the whole masked man question, I am currently gathering fragments for him, planning on using him instead of Gaara. I think it will be a cool lineup.

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On 2018-01-06 23:27:08Show this Author Only
  • PaulineYoona On 2017-07-29 16:41:10
  • Very nice, but i don't have some of those ninjas. Can i make something form the ninjas that i have? ABCDE

yes u can go hanzo minato roshi water main

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On 2018-01-07 07:38:11Show this Author Only
  • 19meatballs On 2017-11-02 14:59:52
  • any f2p ninjas here who got masked man? suggestions on how to get him would be highly appreciated >w< TIA

if you got minato this is the team I use to beat most of ninja exam 170-180. the chase low float to repulse and use the yellow frog summon. This works on every main so im not gonna bother showing passive cause im always changing it to fit my mood.

Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 6

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On 2018-01-11 23:04:14Show this Author Only
  • Jori. On 2017-09-22 19:06:58
  • Hello, i would suggest not putting Hokage Minato in a Lighting main setup better, but it will be somehow a good team with Death Possession blood Hidan H.Minato Light main and maybe Danzo + anbu from light main. and like this :

    Minato Light main X

    Danzo Hidan X

    X X X

    Still i wouldnt recommend this lineup. ! but its your choice! :)

Better use this formation

X - X - X

Light Main - Hidan (Normal not Possession) - X

Omoi - Minato (Jonin or hokage) - X

[Main's Mystery] - Light Sealing Slash

[Standard] - Light Assassination Sword

[Chase] - Lai Giri Decapitation

[Talent 1] - Warrior's Killing Intent

[Talent 2] - Root of Warrior

[Summon] - Kamatari

(Those are for Jonin minato if picked hokage adjust your chase and summon)

[Round 1] Main acupuncture action 1 ninja (who usually uses his jutsu at round 2 unless its a non-prompt jutsu) or pick another depending on situation

[Round 2] Minato Interrupts action 2 or who ever uses a jutsu (while tagging 2) or replace with round 1's jutsu depending on situation and combo

[Round 2] Hidan finishes the tagged before they even get to standard attack (focus high priority targets) you have tagged from omoi's clones at the end of round 1 and minato's jutsu at round 2

(Additional Info)

- Root makes all but Minato immune to debuffs

- Minato and Omoi dodge first Jutsu (enemy already throws less jutsus because of your 2 interrupts)

- Omoi tag more targets for hidan to kill (more options for you to pick your targets)

- Hidan revives back again so its good that he takes the dmg and be killed early

- Hidan cant be stopped because he is immune form interruptions and from CC as well (from root)

- Hidan is able to use his jutsu and kill enemies every round since his jutsu will always kill a tagged ninja who already was low from the chases combo (talent reset cooldown)

- Main killing clones early so they don't get a tag instead of a ninja (his standard will focus them)

- [Main, Omoi, Hidan] have buffed damage from talent

I do not own the credits for this team but it used to beat everyone in our server till i finally today am able to counter it.

This post was last edited by Shereif on 2018-01-11 23:06:00.
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On 2018-02-01 14:40:27Show this Author Only

i have Jonin minato but I'm a free to play only cost me 200 coupons but honestly if you can't keep him alive it's a waste to him have him.all of the teams here I can't come close to making because I will never pay a cent towards this game but since i use earth main I have him with Regular Hinata and Neji. with earth main mystery I pretty much just stop mysteries before they pop off which is an abiltity of my whole team but besides that I'm just playing support.

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On 2018-05-24 01:28:34Show this Author Only

This post was last edited by Bobble•Be on 2020-06-05 03:42:34.
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On 2018-10-14 03:36:16Show this Author Only
  • Jori. On 2017-09-22 19:06:58
  • Hello, i would suggest not putting Hokage Minato in a Lighting main setup better, but it will be somehow a good team with Death Possession blood Hidan H.Minato Light main and maybe Danzo + anbu from light main. and like this :

    Minato Light main X

    Danzo Hidan X

    X X X

    Still i wouldnt recommend this lineup. ! but its your choice! :)

man i dont have Hidan

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On 2019-01-08 12:37:54Show this Author Only

u can get masked man after u reach level 70+ of PLOT INSTANCE

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On 2019-01-08 12:39:13Show this Author Only

guys help me about the minato jonin line up i dont have sage naruto T_T

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On 2019-04-01 10:57:48Show this Author Only
  • Armand__ On 2017-07-29 17:16:43
  • You can try the following lineup:

    SN - Minato -SN clone

    Kgaara - Earth main - x

    x- x -x

    Summon: Ninja cat

    Chase: low float -> repulse

    Talents: 3-3-4-1-2

    Basically your 2 dps ninjas are SN at first, then minato after a couple chases. You have minato's skill as a move 1 interrupt and he is protected by SN clone. Earth main's mystery wil remove bad stat effects every odd turn and he should protect your ninjas as well as possible.

    Problems arise if you do not have gaara's barrier, but you have some manner of CC in it to try and survive without it.


so nice how to be strong like you

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On 2019-05-14 08:38:25Show this Author Only

pls teach me to build the team with this Naruto sage of the six paths coming soon Untitled

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On 2019-05-16 16:44:42Show this Author Only

Sup everyonei got a new minato fire manin team

Formation Screenshot (1)

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On 2019-05-17 01:33:13Show this Author Only
  • Akidonoki On 2017-09-18 07:52:57
  • i use this, i rarely fight water mains though... but i do beat most other things at equal power, and i beat light mains when im 30-40k down

    its heavily dependent on user skill, getting timings on all your jutsus and knowing when and what to do is the key to winning with most if not all teams

    with the release of gaaras skill books the toxicity of this team is going to skyrocket.....

    minato lineup

Replacement for ningendo?

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On 2020-06-09 07:06:46Show this Author Only


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On 2020-06-09 07:07:56Show this Author Only


Quicky Post

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