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[ Fanfiction ] [1 Year Anniversary] Friend or foe? [rating T][EDITED TO ADD PART 2]


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On 2017-07-27 23:50:37Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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"What kind of joke is that..." Scarlet tilted head, staring at white-haired ninja, trying to process situation and words he just heard.

"You should know by now that I'm not the one to joke around." Midnight's voice was as cold as his deadly stare. He reached up and took off his protector. Cruel smirk appeared on his face when he scratched a line across Konoha symbol with a kunai. He then tossed it to shocked Scarlet.

"Let me repeat: things changed a bit. My order now is to take all of you down... our team." Midnight snarled. "People whom I work for are planning to take over this village and we need to take care of any impediments."

"You *..." Scarlet gripped on kunai. All he could think of was that cold emptiness expanding in his chest. "What is this all about? We were a team for a whole year now! More than that- friends... all what we came through...all of that was-

"Just a play." Midnight interrupted. "Highly payed one too, if I may add. I don't care for such useless things like friends."

Black-haired boy tried to calm down and stop hands from shaking. Burning feeling in his throat was making him sick.

"Well, all that talking now is not like you either." Scarlet continued. He was feeling dizzy out of sudden. "If you were send to kill me, then why are you just standing? Aren't you the professional assassin?!"- he almost yelled those words. In his mind, the plan to take down traitor was ready. He focused on Midnight in a search of signs of any incomming attacks. But suddenly his vision turned blurry.

White-haired boy laughed shortly. "I know all of your tricks, Scarlet. Had to make sure that you won't be able to try anything on me. Hope you enjoyed your last meal."

"* you..." Scarlet fell on knees, feeling as whole his body turns completely numb from poison. Unable to do anything, not even move much, he looked up at maniacal smile on Midnight's face.

"But I also made sure that just this alone won't be anough to kill you. That wouldn't be satisfying. Not as seeing you like this." he laughed again. "Oh and- your beloved little girl is right now preparing a party for all the 5 of us- our 1st anniversary as team, right? Well, I never liked parties anyway."

Strong kick send Scarlet on his back, on a ground warmed by the summer sun. "Farewell." Mettalic sound of a sword, aimed at his heart, pierced the calm evening air.


Scarlet sit up rapidly, breathing fast, covered in sweat. Awful headache was drilling his brain. He grabbed shirt on chest, half-consciously searching for a wound... and nothing. But...he could swear he felt that cold metal and sparks of lightning... Boy swallowed slowly. Suddenly a familiar voice knocked him out of mind numbiness and dream-like confussion.

"What were you screaming for, dumbass? Sigh."

Scarlet flinched and looked up at Midnight, standing in front of his bed. Hospital bed... <Why I am here...did it really... no...>

"Still sleeping or you hit your head too much this time?"

Scarlet opened and closed mouth few times, staring at protector on other boy's forehead.

"It...just a dream... terrible one, man..."

"I don't want to hear."

"I bet you don't." dark haired boy tried to smile a bit. "Just a * nightmare. But...why I am in hospital?" he continued, still grabbing shirt on his chest.

Midnight closed eyes and sighed loudly.

"Do I really have don't remember a thing?...ugh, well... We were on a mission that turned out a lot harder than we all thought- there was kind of chaos suddenly and you got in my way...- he stopped for a moment looking a little bit ashamed. When he continued, he was speaking way faster, still avoiding eyes of other boy. "I kind of attacked you by mistake and made you fell, you hit your head and was unconcious so they said to let you rest in here end of story."

"Oh" Scarlet's shaken mind was too confused but slowly pushing away visions from nightmare. "And you are here because you care for me, right, Tsuki-chan?" He laughed at face Midnight made upon hearing that.

"Shut it, shorty! And get yourself together, so we can join our anniversay party." white-haired boy growled.

"Thought you don't like such things?"

Midnight tightened arms crossed on chest but a little smile appeared on his face. "I survived a whole year with a certain idiot of fire-nin, not to mention other individuals. Small party won't kill me. I guess."

Scarlet threw a pillow at him and laughed again. "Yeah, promise me, no killing, ok?"

"Pft. See you later. And get well fast." said Midnight, leaving the hospital room.

[truly end]

Note: I usually enjoy reading far way more than writing anything but, in the lights of current events, by all ac*ulated feelings- but also from expierence while playing- traitors in group, people quitting, drama etc- I got strong urge to write this. Now... sorry to all Midnight and Scarlet fans, be strong there v.v

Feel free to yell at me for any grammar mistakes so I can correct it x)


This post was last edited by Tiami on 2017-07-27 23:50:37.
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On 2017-07-26 21:16:00Show this Author Only

Well, I hate you now Tiami. xD

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On 2017-07-26 21:23:50Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2017-07-26 21:16:00
  • Well, I hate you now Tiami. xD

Payback for Hinata death muahahahaha

I hate myself for that too, don't worry x) True is that there's a secret second part aka plot-twist for that but after typing down this part I decided to leave it like this. It just perfectly go with my mood from past week

This post was last edited by Tiami on 2017-07-26 21:24:12.
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On 2017-07-26 21:50:27Show this Author Only

Real tempted to make a reply to this with Crimson Fist finding out about this and beating Midnight to a pulp..

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On 2017-07-26 21:57:54Show this Author Only
  • Benevolence On 2017-07-26 21:50:27
  • Real tempted to make a reply to this with Crimson Fist finding out about this and beating Midnight to a pulp..

That would be well deserved for that wittle *! His next target is our beloved Azure, someone has to stop him and deliver justice

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On 2017-07-26 23:57:58Show this Author Only

Ooh, I like this.

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On 2017-07-27 00:14:02Show this Author Only
  • Dosu On 2017-07-26 23:57:58
  • Ooh, I like this.

This story match whole this anniversary time way better than my fanart event's entry, I think. I'm glad you like ^.^ /crying internally/

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On 2017-07-27 00:26:16Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2017-07-27 00:14:02
  • This story match whole this anniversary time way better than my fanart event's entry, I think. I'm glad you like ^.^ /crying internally/

Nice! I personally like how you made Midnight out of all people be the traitor, he seems somewhat fitting for that role compared to the others.

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On 2017-07-27 06:07:14Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2017-07-26 21:23:50
  • Payback for Hinata death muahahahaha

    I hate myself for that too, don't worry x) True is that there's a secret second part aka plot-twist for that but after typing down this part I decided to leave it like this. It just perfectly go with my mood from past week

This...kinda corraborates my own version of Midnight, in which he's a part of Root. And that was a long time ago, dang it!

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On 2017-07-27 06:36:09Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2017-07-26 21:57:54
  • That would be well deserved for that wittle *! His next target is our beloved Azure, someone has to stop him and deliver justice

Remember, you asked for this..

Through the evening air follows a familiar voice, a deep yet - friendly tone.

"Yo! Scarlet, I got those weight I sugg-" He's met with the sight of blood. The grim image of a body limp in the hands on the unthinkable. Rigor mortis steadily claimed over the body of Scarlet as his appearance causes a shadowed face to whip over their shoulder.

"Man did you come at a back time," says Midnight, whipping his blade to the side as he stood. It paints the cobblestone like an amuteur painter.

Crimson shakes, both visibly and mentally. The image won't go away--no, this betrayal. "No, this is a genjutsu! Who's doing this?!" he barks.

"Genjutsu? I wouldn't think a rock could be to assuming. Then again, you never took me as the smart type." Says Midnight. He begins to steadily approach Crimson.

Crimson's eye narrow, muscles showing prominence. There's a deep grunt with bared teeth, he grinds his molars together as he silently leers at his so-called companion.

Midnight stands spaces away from Crimson with a sly smirk, his gestures and mannerisms suggest a sinister playfulness to them. "Come on big guy, don't look at me like that. Here," he pauses whilst looking for for the briefest of moments, eye reflecting over the glimmering blade of his stained in blood. "You can join him!" He suddenly lashes out, whipping his blade with a wicked arc across Crimson's broad chest.

"Gyk!" Crimson's too slow to properly defend himself, yet he's sturdy enough to withstand the *. With a narrow slit marred over his chest, clothing ripped and bloodied red, he clenched his fist whilst a hand laid over the wound. "How--How could you? How could you do this? We're supposed to be friends!"

Midnight wastes no time for idle chit-chat, a man of action. He vanishes from sight, leaving a luminescent spark in his prior position as he appears behind Crimson like the reaper of death, whispering into his ear before a stroke of his blade cleaves towards his back. "You've all had to die sometime.."

An expression of shock plasters Crimson's face at the sight of signature movement, a seemingly time-splitting moment to catch sight of what's behind. No, he won't be caught off guard this time. Before the blade sought to reap, he snags Midnight by his scrawny wrist, throwing him onto the cobblestone with strength well enough to cause a lesser crater upon impact.

Shamed, Midnight spurts blood from the impact and does his best to regain his position with bolts of lightning transitioning him from point A to B.He falls to a knee while an arm hugs his stomach. Despite the pain he grins, his blade aimed in Crimson's direction. "You're going to make this worth while.." weabug

Crimson stands resolute, arms up with his cladded arm-guards shimmering from the blazing sun. There's a look in his eyes, an ire. This person before him was no friend, but an enemy. weeno

---To be continued???

This post was last edited by Benevolence on 2017-07-27 07:32:21.
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On 2017-07-27 16:12:15Show this Author Only
  • Benevolence On 2017-07-27 06:36:09
  • Remember, you asked for this..

    Through the evening air follows a familiar voice, a deep yet - friendly tone.

    "Yo! Scarlet, I got those weight I sugg-" He's met with the sight of blood. The grim image of a body limp in the hands on the unthinkable. Rigor mortis steadily claimed over the body of Scarlet as his appearance causes a shadowed face to whip over their shoulder.

    "Man did you come at a back time," says Midnight, whipping his blade to the side as he stood. It paints the cobblestone like an amuteur painter.

    Crimson shakes, both visibly and mentally. The image won't go away--no, this betrayal. "No, this is a genjutsu! Who's doing this?!" he barks.

    "Genjutsu? I wouldn't think a rock could be to assuming. Then again, you never took me as the smart type." Says Midnight. He begins to steadily approach Crimson.

    Crimson's eye narrow, muscles showing prominence. There's a deep grunt with bared teeth, he grinds his molars together as he silently leers at his so-called companion.

    Midnight stands spaces away from Crimson with a sly smirk, his gestures and mannerisms suggest a sinister playfulness to them. "Come on big guy, don't look at me like that. Here," he pauses whilst looking for for the briefest of moments, eye reflecting over the glimmering blade of his stained in blood. "You can join him!" He suddenly lashes out, whipping his blade with a wicked arc across Crimson's broad chest.

    "Gyk!" Crimson's too slow to properly defend himself, yet he's sturdy enough to withstand the *. With a narrow slit marred over his chest, clothing ripped and bloodied red, he clenched his fist whilst a hand laid over the wound. "How--How could you? How could you do this? We're supposed to be friends!"

    Midnight wastes no time for idle chit-chat, a man of action. He vanishes from sight, leaving a luminescent spark in his prior position as he appears behind Crimson like the reaper of death, whispering into his ear before a stroke of his blade cleaves towards his back. "You've all had to die sometime.."

    An expression of shock plasters Crimson's face at the sight of signature movement, a seemingly time-splitting moment to catch sight of what's behind. No, he won't be caught off guard this time. Before the blade sought to reap, he snags Midnight by his scrawny wrist, throwing him onto the cobblestone with strength well enough to cause a lesser crater upon impact.

    Shamed, Midnight spurts blood from the impact and does his best to regain his position with bolts of lightning transitioning him from point A to B.He falls to a knee while an arm hugs his stomach. Despite the pain he grins, his blade aimed in Crimson's direction. "You're going to make this worth while.." weabug

    Crimson stands resolute, arms up with his cladded arm-guards shimmering from the blazing sun. There's a look in his eyes, an ire. This person before him was no friend, but an enemy. weeno

    ---To be continued???

/bows down/ thank you for a good read, this is absolutely great and I'm honoured that my fic got continuation like this. Althou, originaly I had a "part two" for it and way different- I wonder if I should post it

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On 2017-07-27 18:49:34Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2017-07-27 16:12:15
  • /bows down/ thank you for a good read, this is absolutely great and I'm honoured that my fic got continuation like this. Althou, originaly I had a "part two" for it and way different- I wonder if I should post it

They said if it's not finished, it doesn't count. I think?

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On 2017-07-27 18:53:50Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2017-07-27 18:49:34
  • They said if it's not finished, it doesn't count. I think?

It is finished at this point when it comes to that version of it- means, the "dark" version. It is FINISHED! Just- there's other version I hold in my notebook and might add the "secret part" but not as part of event entry

EDIT: I changed my mind xD gotta add a bit to original post. Will it count to event or not- meh, whatever, I just want to share with you guys x) [Midnighty forced me to... "You guys giving me a bad name now, sigh..."]mid

This post was last edited by Tiami on 2017-07-27 23:17:18.
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On 2017-07-28 00:04:15Show this Author Only

Well Tiami, first part was Scary as *. But the second part was

Nice fan fiction :D

1YA for you :D

This post was last edited by KaHa104 on 2017-07-31 11:28:35.
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On 2017-07-28 00:41:49Show this Author Only
  • KaHa104 On 2017-07-28 00:04:15
  • Well Tiami, first part was Scary as *. But the second part was

    Nice fan fiction :D

    1YA for you :D

Thank you, I'm glad you like ^^ It supposed to end on Scarly part but... I can't really kill poor little Scarlet T^T

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On 2017-07-29 09:55:34Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2017-07-28 00:41:49
  • Thank you, I'm glad you like ^^ It supposed to end on Scarly part but... I can't really kill poor little Scarlet T^T

if you kill little scarlet, I will kill you first to avoid that happen Tiami~

This post was last edited by KaHa104 on 2017-07-31 11:28:18.
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On 2017-07-29 10:16:20Show this Author Only

I thought Midnight joined the Akatsuki there for a second! But man, this was a pretty good read! Good job!

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On 2017-07-29 16:03:04Show this Author Only
  • TCOdelt On 2017-07-29 10:16:20
  • I thought Midnight joined the Akatsuki there for a second! But man, this was a pretty good read! Good job!

I will make them all join Akatsuki anyway

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On 2017-07-30 21:40:24Show this Author Only

1) Reply with a comment "1YA" on the thread.

since this * "rule" is a thing, there your go 1YA.

Dunno how only comment like that count as a point so all other comments that says "i like it, it's nice" won't count.

But i guess it's oasis way to do thing, the wrong way, as per usual xD

Anyway 1Ya, that's my vote

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On 2017-07-31 03:16:52Show this Author Only
  • ThorosDLuffy On 2017-07-30 21:40:24

  • 1) Reply with a comment "1YA" on the thread.

    since this * "rule" is a thing, there your go 1YA.

    Dunno how only comment like that count as a point so all other comments that says "i like it, it's nice" won't count.

    But i guess it's oasis way to do thing, the wrong way, as per usual xD

    Anyway 1Ya, that's my vote

Thanks anyway ^^'

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