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[ Bugs ] Oasis Fail - SA Itachi Returns (Easy/Normal)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 04:35:53Show All Posts
It isnt as hard as you claim it is. It isnt as easy as any other sa, but it isnt that hard either. Since round 1 is all about surviving, use ninja/talent that grants you shield before 1st wave attacks. Since last wave hits like a truck, you need to do the same. How? Scaling ninjas (kimimaro, kidomaru, ukon, tayuya, hebihime, choza, choji, anything that scales)- prolong the fight as much as you can, so you have last rounds burst when it is needed. What about chaos? It's AI, it always picks the same targets under the same cir*stances. So if your nuker wont be chaosed, then wait with casting mystery after itachi chaoses. If he is the target of chaos, use other ninjas to intercept chaos, as AI uses it as interrupt. I had to level, awaken to the max and cultivate hebihime (who was laughed at by majority during monthly event, now she saves the day) for round 1 and ukon for round 4 just for this purpose.
I'm talking here about SA HARD as a fire main, 85lvl with 45k power. With the same team, that is kabuto, ukon/tayuya and hebihime/kimimaro (both setups work) my friend at 81lvl and 32k power has beaten SA easy and normal as a wind main.
So, if you cant pass it, you are doing it wrong. Dont blame the game, this one is on your side.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-21 06:33:00Show All Posts
SA isn't meant to be facerolled with just a normal use team (even if its solid and balanced) once it's unlocked. It's the same as ninja exam. Yes, there were exams you could just brute force/auto, but on others you'd have to use other ninjas (which obviously you have, its just not your main meta ninjas- eg. ino, shikamaru, kankuro) if you'd want to be on exam that requires your current or slightly higher power. It's the same scenario here. Tactics > brute force.
Do I think players should be able to complete SA even once they unlock it? Yes, and they are. Do I think it should be just brainless and effortless autorun/use of main team? No. Like you, me and a few other have already said, its just tactics. Pretty much the same hints are listed in SA description, except literally listing lineups (and for those you just google itachi sa x main).
If a newbie has problems with SA, they should just ask- just like Qolem wrote. It takes 5minutes to do some research or ask older player/group about know-how. Curse mark ninjas are already available (sure, kimimaro is 2*, hes weaker, this could be the only problem). There arent rng factorcs here (unlike some ninja exam, where you have to get through x layers of randomness to succeed). I am really sorry that this SA, alongside with Hanzo, requires thinking- perhaps it isn't for everybody out there.
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