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[ Suggestions ] Arena negative points before becoming 6 paths sage


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-23 17:25:28Show All Posts
What oasis don't understand or don't want to understand (i think the latter to be honest) is the fact that is totally useless that i keep my rank, lets, say, jonin, if in two months of tries i collected a -26. At that point I'm exactly like a guy from a new server that joins arena for the first time. So, in what the fact we keep the rank is advantageous to us that never reached once sage of six paths? And in what a kage -13 is better than an anbu+1 if both never reached once sage of six paths? They meet the same people and gets their ass kicked in the same way.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-24 17:00:28Show All Posts
I wonder why there's no reply from mods that explain us why to not get our points reset is good. I understand why not getting our rank reset is good, but makes 0 sense that our negative points aren't resetted. Do you keep our rank to help us? Ok, I'm perfectly fine, but if I'm kage -15 I'm no more a kage for any matching aspect so in what the fact I'm kage helps me if i never reached sage of six paths?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 16:16:10Show All Posts
The reply i expect to see is the same as always: "the negative points system won't be changed because is a way to help new players". AKA: "stay quiet, idiot, don't rant about things even if you are perfectly right and if you want to be competitive in arena pay 5000$"
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-31 16:07:01Show All Posts
  • WhoWhat On 2017-05-29 01:42:24
  • That's not what is being said at all, thats how you choose to see it and in no way what was said. Yes it's hard to reach 6 path as it should be it's the top people fighting it out over an awesome reward. Why should every single player no matter what their playtime and spend be able to do it? If I make sure to do everything every single day and dont waste coupons on anything other than power as a f2p but can hit 6 path does that mean you are wrong? If I put in the same amount of effort if not more and put money in the game should I be punished because I put money in?
    You want your cake and eat it too you cant have both mate.
Or you are a whale or you reached sage of six paths long ago or you are in a server with two digits otherwise there is no way you would reply this way. None here wants it easy. Here they want to have a chance. If i reach superkage rank and there i meet only people with 3-4k more initiative than me (even if i have 9-10k initiative) that runs only whale teams explain me how can i get a 20 points streak against them even if i am the most skilled played in the world. The reply is that i can't now, i can't next season and i can't neither the following 7 seasons very likely. We would be perfectly fine with this if at the end of a season we would get rewards according to our rank but the issue is exactly that, we don't. So we are complaining about that only because they impose on us to reach an unreachable goal to get rewards according to our rank. So or they make the goal reachable within an acceptable time or they remove the need of reaching it. This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-31 16:11
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-31 16:17:25Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2017-05-31 04:06:22
  • Hello.

    As I stated in my previous comment, at the moment we don't have such plans. We are not planning to remove negative points in Arena system in any way or form.
You aren't wise guys, really. If you continue to reply this way you'll be only hated by your players community. What do you want that we do? That we don't complain if you pretend from us something impossible to get rewards according to our rank? Ok, keep the negative points but remove the need to reach once an unreachable goal to get rewards accordingly to our chances and skills. We don't want negative points to be removed, none here cares a bit about that, it's just that you look at the inch that points at the moon and not at the moon. We want that our efforts pay off! We can't care less about negative points or six paths sennin rank, if you don't understand this there is a serious problem here.
Otherwise be happy that other players queues are neverending and be happy to get complaints after complaints constantly.

Edit: If you would be wise you would reply this way to threads like this one: 'we are sorry guys about all the problems you are facing right now and we are aware about the unfairness of the actual situation. The main issue form our side, and i hope you understand us, is that to make a patch about this we would need our developers to do a lot of work mostly for nothing because with 3.0 arena gets completely revamped and our chinese coworkers just did the work for us, so, since we are planning sooner or later to implement 3.0, and could be sooner than you expect, we think is better to focus our efforts in other sides of the game experience. We apologize for all your problems, just endure it a bit longer and try to understand us too'.
This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-31 16:31
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