Lacking some Events. Bug? Nope.
With that link above in mind, and numerous threads that have been made before over the past few months with regards to newer servers not getting certain events. The suggestion that I have in mind is that when putting up the weekly events on the News page, maybe you guys could include servers of how many days old that will not be getting that event, maybe just below the line of the events' time frame. So players can know.
Chances are not every player will read it, and will still post new threads with regards to this issue, but if its written there, players who posted that thread won't keep bumping their thread waiting for a mod to reply, instead the community will probably help by pointing it out that it is written in the News page, which will end the discussion short and sweet, since its written in black and white.
Just a suggestion. Though based on Narsby's comment in that link given above:
I believe those events are not available on newer server.It makes it sounds rather unconvincing, and sounds like taking a safe cover my ass answer in case I'm wrong. Could have just been "Those events are not available on newer servers."