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[ Events ] Pros and Cons of Convoy/Plunder (and possible solutions?)


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On 2017-02-02 19:14:43Show this Author OnlyAscending Order
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This isn't the first thread about the new Convoy system, and it definitely won't be the last. I just want to address some things about the new system that don't sit right with me. Many of these ideas may be parroting past complaints, so forgive me.

-Vastly upgraded Coin Rewards and possible Coupon Reward
-Explores the overworld
-One Coupon Reward a day (30 coupons, as opposed to Plunder's 150)
-Can be plundered multiple times (If you repel a plunderer, they can just call a stronger member to fight you instead)
-RNGsus never gives me any SS convoys :(

-150 coupons a day.
-You waste a whole lot of time around that plunder icon.

One's obviously better than the other. There are virtually no penalties for plundering, as even plundering 1 SS convoy nets you more coupons than if you were to do the convoy equivalent. To put it into perspective, getting 2 SS plunders would be better than doing 4 SS convoys, considering the ingot penalty.
It doesn't help that, for the weaker members of my group, my support means little considering they can be plundered multiple times. If the original plunderer can't beat me, they call the #1 and 2 players on the server. Getting plundered 3 times hardly seems fair. Not to mention, as the top players just get called over, the sole con of doing plunder is practically void for them.

There's nothing wrong with plunder having slightly better rewards. It's part of the risk, after all. But I feel the gap between the rewards are too big.
Solution? Remove the ingot fee for multiple SS convoys (even then, you'd make less than plunderers. 120 to their 150) and stop multiple plunders on the same person. If someone successfully repels a plunderer, with or without support, they shouldn't be allowed to be attacked again.

I realize this sounds like a bunch of whining, but I did try and be a bit constructive. Thoughts?
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On 2017-02-05 20:42:34Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-02-05 09:04:11
  • They need to fix this. You should not be able to plunder the coupon run. That is absolutely unfair. This amounts essentially to actual robbery. If you are a good person you would not plunder.
    This is one of the worst game design decisions in the game. It basically gives a ton of coupons who the people who don't need the coupons and takes coupons away from the people who most need the coupons. That is backwards.
Well they said they want the top players to feel rewarded for being in the top , altho i agree current convoy/plunder system is nothing near perfect!
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On 2017-02-05 09:04:11Show this Author Only
They need to fix this. You should not be able to plunder the coupon run. That is absolutely unfair. This amounts essentially to actual robbery. If you are a good person you would not plunder.
This is one of the worst game design decisions in the game. It basically gives a ton of coupons who the people who don't need the coupons and takes coupons away from the people who most need the coupons. That is backwards.
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On 2017-02-04 20:42:50Show this Author Only
I agree with removing the ingot cost for ss missions.
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On 2017-02-04 20:26:00Show this Author Only
Good expect this ." If someone successfully repels a plunderer, with or without support, they shouldn't be allowed to be attacked again. " IT MAKES NO SENSE .
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On 2017-02-04 20:21:35Show this Author Only
they should just make 4 ss convoys without having to pay ingots.
Convoyers will stop whining and i'll will not have to spam refresh for 3hours. Win-win.

And start asking for support before saying that plunderers always gets it easy. Unless you are in a weak group but in this case that's your own fault.
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On 2017-02-04 12:05:16Show this Author Only
It's just the usual, everyday situation transfered into game. Take from those that don't have anything and give even more to those who already have everything. Classic capitalism. Invest money to have it all, then you will have even more ! :D

We live in a beautiful world, eh ? :D
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On 2017-02-04 11:28:40Show this Author Only
Lol there is no cons for plunder , if you plunder you are obviously strong as hell, so free coupons, and for convoy well if you dont have any strong friends you are dead , while plunderer are getting 150cp/day you can only get 30 with luck, so yeah , balance you know
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On 2017-02-04 07:53:30Show this Author Only
  • MissingKira On 2017-02-04 02:45:22
  • Hi! I know that ideally one should wait for a 'dead time'...but it's easier said than done as that'd require a SS mission to pop-up when you need it...Usually, if i bypass a SS convoy, i end up not getting another one even using my 2 refreshes lol
    Jokes aside, i still think the current system is unbalanced... I play in s17, convoy/plunder work as intended as it's not affected by low population.
    I like not having to ask for help for every single run, getting more coins compared to the old system but you've got to admit that plunderers have it easier... they can avoid the top guild players to minimize their risk, a red name? pfff, they just have to spend their coins or ask a friend to challenge them and they're fine, without even considering the unbalance in rewards...
I consider unbalance in reward and feel kind off bad, but 4.5k coupons a month you know ....
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On 2017-02-04 02:45:22Show this Author Only
  • Ginzou On 2017-02-03 11:27:15
  • Then start doing SS during times when most people are less likely to check the plunder tab. Such as that 10min interval in the start of 9tails invasion and the actual fighting of 9tails, or when the regular plunderers are offline.

    Don't just mindlessly refresh the convoy missions finding that SS knowing that you have a high chance of getting plundered.
Hi! I know that ideally one should wait for a 'dead time'...but it's easier said than done as that'd require a SS mission to pop-up when you need it...Usually, if i bypass a SS convoy, i end up not getting another one even using my 2 refreshes lol
Jokes aside, i still think the current system is unbalanced... I play in s17, convoy/plunder work as intended as it's not affected by low population.
I like not having to ask for help for every single run, getting more coins compared to the old system but you've got to admit that plunderers have it easier... they can avoid the top guild players to minimize their risk, a red name? pfff, they just have to spend their coins or ask a friend to challenge them and they're fine, without even considering the unbalance in rewards...
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On 2017-02-03 12:34:52Show this Author Only
Convoy Pros:
Get supported by the powerful Oragiri. :lol

Convoy Cons:
30 coupons, 15 if I lose - more if I decide to spend ingots on it. Firmly believe SS should be free all 4 times since plunders get so much.

Plunder Pros:
150 Coupons if you win all

Plunder Cons:
Higher power support
0 Coupons if you're unlucky to find the other groups' strong players for support, which happened to a groupmate of mine. This post was last edited by Niji at 2017-2-2 23:36
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On 2017-02-03 11:27:15Show this Author Only
  • MissingKira On 2017-02-03 03:09:55
  • Being a little convoyer... I only see the unfairness/unbalance ;P...
    While it's true that a plunderer risks meeting a strong player, a convoyer will surely meet a stronger player... Then... you have to fight using someone else's team... you win? don't worry, you'll need to fight again and again to defend your tiny reward. You lose against the last plunderer? your earlier wins count for nothing, sadly :'(...

    I realize that the situation may differ a bit depending on the server you play on, but, this is my view on this system... This post was last edited by MissKira at 2017-2-3 03:11
Then start doing SS during times when most people are less likely to check the plunder tab. Such as that 10min interval in the start of 9tails invasion and the actual fighting of 9tails, or when the regular plunderers are offline.

Don't just mindlessly refresh the convoy missions finding that SS knowing that you have a high chance of getting plundered.
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On 2017-02-03 09:47:52Show this Author Only
On my server, where the population is extremely low...
You get lots of coins, and 30 coupons very quickly.
You can get plundered once in a blue moon.

You can get 50 - 100 coupons instead of 30.
You spend 5+ hours trying to find SS convoys to plunder. If you spend that time working for minimum wage, you can buy farm more ingots.
Very likely to have negative coin income, as I will click red names for free coins ;P
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On 2017-02-03 04:11:53Show this Author Only
Better rewards for S-class and A-class, with S-class spawns from 86k to 129k.
Coupons are guaranteed at min. 15 coupons, unless you are in your server's version of Taylor Swift's clique, then it's 30.
No restriction - anybody above lv 26 could do it.
(Don't have to spam the refresh *on for 4 hours straight.)
No loophole for dodging (that I know about. If there is, please don't public it and enjoy your coupons.)
30 coupons depends on power/luck/cunning, but mostly lucks and cunning.
Suicide mission for low-levels if accepted without strong-backing (meaning the upper half of that power ranking list).
Cost ingots to accept extra SS rank missions.

Get to pick the target (which, if used wisely, c*WAYS guarantee a win and bring in a whooping 150 coupons per day)
Massive coupons income, 50 per successful hit.
Can attack targets repeatedly (3 times max.) if fail during plundering attempt.
Plenty of loopholes to take advantage of.
Cons:Less (or more) coin rewards: 120k.
Plunderers have wanted status, which equals to 150k coins lost if lose when challenged (1).
The risk of running into people who are stronger/have people who are stronger as supports.
Min. coupons at 0. (2)
(The frustration of spamming the refresh *on on the hitlist.)

(1) Not really a "con", judging that there are plenty of loopholes to help getting around those scarlet letters.
(2) The hitlist will help minimise that risk, however.
This post was last edited by Watanuki13 at 2017-2-3 04:12
This post was last edited by Watanuki13 at 2017-2-3 04:13 This post was last edited by Watanuki13 at 2017-2-3 04:19 This post was last edited by Watanuki13 at 2017-2-3 04:20
This post was last edited by Watanuki13 at 2017-2-3 04:21
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On 2017-02-03 03:09:55Show this Author Only
Being a little convoyer... I only see the unfairness/unbalance ;P...
While it's true that a plunderer risks meeting a strong player, a convoyer will surely meet a stronger player... Then... you have to fight using someone else's team... you win? don't worry, you'll need to fight again and again to defend your tiny reward. You lose against the last plunderer? your earlier wins count for nothing, sadly :'(...

I realize that the situation may differ a bit depending on the server you play on, but, this is my view on this system... This post was last edited by MissKira at 2017-2-3 03:11
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On 2017-02-02 22:40:32Show this Author Only
yes, nice

make conpoy have 100 coupon for SS rank;P
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On 2017-02-02 20:30:32Show this Author Only
- Better Coins+Coupons
- Solo event (dont need scrolls anymore)

- None

- None

- Much
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On 2017-02-02 19:44:44Show this Author Only
  • Syldor On 2017-02-02 19:34:13
  • what are you talking about you cant just call over stronger players as plunderer other people have to plunder you through the interface or the same can try again but there is no such function to call someone for help in plunders
"hypothetical logic"
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On 2017-02-02 19:43:50Show this Author Only
Remove ingot fee and support for convoy and reduce the bar of level from 15 to 10 plunderers can see to make it fair for all.

Plunder works same principle as sage battlefield, if you click on wrong person you are done, if on right you get victory.
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On 2017-02-02 19:34:13Show this Author Only
what are you talking about you cant just call over stronger players as plunderer other people have to plunder you through the interface or the same can try again but there is no such function to call someone for help in plunders
Quicky Post

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