There was a delay like today in the past, and it was exactly these servers that were delayed after a patch. My thread is not to complain, but to ask, why is it exactly these two?
Coz they are the first to be updated for their region, and are essentially the weekly beta testers for that weeks update :P
If they are first to be ''tested'', then if something goes wrong, why is it that other servers get a fix, and first servers are left last to fix? Very confusing.
If they are first to be ''tested'', then if something goes wrong, why is it that other servers get a fix, and first servers are left last to fix? Very confusing.
This is not true. The mentioned servers are the first who get a fix and are the first who are up again. They do that to minimize the delay on the rest of the servers because they use the first server as a test server.