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[ Strategy Share ] [Strategy Collection] Breeze Dancer - Sage Naruto, He'll * you away.


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On 2017-01-03 05:52:29Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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i just got really lucky with the sage naruto :)

Introduction and Premise of Team

The premise of this team is to create a powerful burst team. When I obtained Sage Naruto he was very consistent in his damage because of his clone and the fact that his Rasengan attacked multiple targets. I figured that if i was able to use it as much as possible, I would dish out "tons of damage." So what better way to use it more than once? obviously to reset the cooldown.

Video Demo (Enable annotations to see tips while battling):
Read more about ninja choices below.

Required NinjasSage Naruto, Gaara (3*) , Kankura , Breeze Dancer

Required Summons

1. Sage Naruto - Clone
2. Kankuro - Puppet
3. Breeze Dancer - Boost Attack of Clone
4. Gaara - Shield 4 Ninjas, 1 Clone, and 1 Puppet

Breeze Dancer Talents

Choices of Talents and Ninjas Explanation

Obviously we need Dance of Impetus to reset the cooldown for Naruto. While building this team, I realized that by turn 3, I could would have 80 Chakra instead of 60, so... in order to abuse that, I found another ninja with a powerful 40 Chakra Jutsu, which was Kankuro. At this point in time, i have 3 Wind ninjas, might as well top it off with a 3rd. That's where Gaara came in... his Barrier skill helped boost DPS massively.

In regards to the talents, Since i have so many wind ninjas, it only makes sense to choose Enhancement of wind Style.

Frankly, Breeze Dancer is there as a support, her main use is to reset the cooldown, and you'll only get 1 or 2 chances to do that. So to make here slightly more useful, Super *y Harem Jutsu is there to blind enemies.

This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2017-1-3 05:51 This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2017-1-18 13:48
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On 2017-01-03 06:03:56Show this Author Only
It's a powerful burst team indeed, however, this team will cry when fighting against Scarlet Blaze with their Mirror Return passive which will reflect immobile back at you in round 1. And Scarlet Blaze is a very common class as well. Other than that, it's a solid team, even against Scarlet Blaze since gnw Kankuro will chase and have his poison reflected instead in round 2 once you use Sage Naruto's mystery.
This post was last edited by SapphireFalcon at 2017-1-3 06:06
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On 2017-01-03 06:58:13Show this Author Only
  • SapphireFalcon On 2017-01-03 06:03:56
  • It's a powerful burst team indeed, however, this team will cry when fighting against Scarlet Blaze with their Mirror Return passive which will reflect immobile back at you in round 1. And Scarlet Blaze is a very common class as well. Other than that, it's a solid team, even against Scarlet Blaze since gnw Kankuro will chase and have his poison reflected instead in round 2 once you use Sage Naruto's mystery.
    This post was last edited by SapphireFalcon at 2017-1-3 06:06
i've beaten all sorts of teams. and i dont have an immobile to be reflected back. If you watched the video, i did beat a Scarlet Blaze simply by bursting the team down. Plus, clone and sasori can tank most of the auto attacks from scarlet blaze which disable This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2017-1-3 06:59
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On 2017-01-03 07:29:52Show this Author Only
Kazekage Gaara has immobile effect, regular Gaara 3 stars doesn't. I'm using a similar team on arena, but since I don't have Sage Naruto I replaced him for FKC Temari. I just don't have how to generate chakra, so I can't go shooting all mysteries every turn :/
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On 2017-01-03 07:57:09Show this Author Only
  • ProtoZero On 2017-01-03 06:58:13
  • i've beaten all sorts of teams. and i dont have an immobile to be reflected back. If you watched the video, i did beat a Scarlet Blaze simply by bursting the team down. Plus, clone and sasori can tank most of the auto attacks from scarlet blaze which disable This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2017-1-3 06:59
Oh oops my bad. I'm just so used to seeing kazekage gaara since so many people in my group have him. XD
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On 2017-01-03 11:00:44Show this Author Only
I just got onoki and I dont have gaara so can I replace him with onoki ? Can you give me your steam account name I will add you.My name is ShivamS with designs beside it.
This post was last edited by 291***@facebook at 2017-1-3 11:06
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On 2017-01-03 13:40:36Show this Author Only
It is a powerful burst team. It has its perks of huge dmg by the first round and continuing it has the rounds go and is an interesting team play but it can be shut down simply by cc. If the player is smart, he acupuncture the main within the first round and then second round if your opponent has lower ini than you then i assume he will have CC the sage naruto and at the same time the wind main(all this if the person is running scarlet blaze) and then he will probably go for your kinkaro , cc him with a combo. then he just picks you off at that point. If he has higher ini than you then he cc the kankuro then picks of sage at round 2 (cc). Against a lighting main the build has potential but if it is a light main with the acupuncture skill ,which is starting to rise up. He will cc the main and if he has higher ini pick your sage off. Against a water main , your dmg has to be uber high like one shot high or else the dmg will be healed right off and worse if the water main his running another healer. Against a earth main I do not know how it may go. All this are simulations and perfect conditions, it c*l change depending on who you are facing. This post was last edited by Fleece at 2017-1-3 13:42
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On 2017-01-03 17:09:17Show this Author Only
  • Fleece On 2017-01-03 13:40:36
  • It is a powerful burst team. It has its perks of huge dmg by the first round and continuing it has the rounds go and is an interesting team play but it can be shut down simply by cc. If the player is smart, he acupuncture the main within the first round and then second round if your opponent has lower ini than you then i assume he will have CC the sage naruto and at the same time the wind main(all this if the person is running scarlet blaze) and then he will probably go for your kinkaro , cc him with a combo. then he just picks you off at that point. If he has higher ini than you then he cc the kankuro then picks of sage at round 2 (cc). Against a lighting main the build has potential but if it is a light main with the acupuncture skill ,which is starting to rise up. He will cc the main and if he has higher ini pick your sage off. Against a water main , your dmg has to be uber high like one shot high or else the dmg will be healed right off and worse if the water main his running another healer. Against a earth main I do not know how it may go. All this are simulations and perfect conditions, it c*l change depending on who you are facing. This post was last edited by Fleece at 2017-1-3 13:42
There are no perfect strategies, this is just one of many. Obviously we'll be able to see more strategies come to fruition with 2.0, but this is just another one for the books. thanks for the indepth reply however
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On 2017-01-06 21:52:16Show this Author Only
update: seems to still work fine in 2.0, there are a couple new skills available, im gonna keep on testing to see what works best and whether any changes should be made
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On 2017-01-06 22:29:36Show this Author Only
Would this work for regular gaara (4 stars?) as well?
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On 2017-01-07 07:43:41Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-06 22:29:36
  • Would this work for regular gaara (4 stars?) as well?
I dont think gaara's skills change after reaching 3 star
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On 2017-01-07 09:41:26Show this Author Only
Made it to six paths :)
Good luck to everyone else

This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2017-1-8 11:27
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On 2017-01-07 15:10:41Show this Author Only
If they have a ninja like Ao,Rip.
If you got lightingmain have good damage.Rip your main at round 2(no shield,poor HP)
If they have a ninja can stun with chase skill and focus your main.Rip,you cant combo
This is not a good team
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On 2017-01-08 02:54:26Show this Author Only
  • Linhvn On 2017-01-07 15:10:41
  • If they have a ninja like Ao,Rip.
    If you got lightingmain have good damage.Rip your main at round 2(no shield,poor HP)
    If they have a ninja can stun with chase skill and focus your main.Rip,you cant combo
    This is not a good team
I hate it when people bring in very specific counters and be like "nope you team *s"

What are the chances of running into that exact occurence? Besides when i made this guide, i was kage 3, after a bit im six paths now. Clearly it works...
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On 2017-01-08 15:37:42Show this Author Only
is this only an arena based team or is this also good outside arena?
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On 2017-01-08 18:16:53Show this Author Only
wind main and sage naruto is a nice team for sure

hashi + iruka instead of gaara and kankuro is the standard though
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On 2017-01-08 21:25:47Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-08 15:37:42
  • is this only an arena based team or is this also good outside arena?
Its quite good overall, I've used it for sage battlefields, instances, and wanted missions. Because of its burst potential you're able to compete against people who have a bit more power. E.g. in shades battle field I had 20k power, was able to fight 23k power
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On 2017-01-08 21:26:36Show this Author Only
  • xetech On 2017-01-08 18:16:53
  • wind main and sage naruto is a nice team for sure

    hashi + iruka instead of gaara and kankuro is the standard though
Wanna give me those p2w ninjas?
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On 2017-01-08 21:52:50Show this Author Only
  • ProtoZero On 2017-01-08 21:26:36
  • Wanna give me those p2w ninjas?
iruka's not that p2w all you really need is to wait for an event and use the selected amount of copons or do refine medium fragments 3 times.
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On 2017-01-09 09:24:53Show this Author Only
will this team also work in 2.0?
Quicky Post

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